Integration of the core mobility tools into one coherent WEB-based toolbox
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Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation ECVET related project (2011-2013) NO , DE, FR, AT, PL, BE
NTI-MMM Multilateral Monitoring and Management ( ) (LdV 2011-1-N01LEOOS-03276)
Background and justification
The European transnational mobility projects have been implemented with a great variation in the use of supportive tools, techniques and functions documenting the results of a placement. This applies to already obtained learning outcomes as well as certifications issued.
Several studies on the obstacles and barriers to participation in mobility projects, lastly through the Commission EU2020 strategic initiative Youth on the Move have been presented. A general conclusion is the need for better information, operating tools and support services for all types of mobility actions targeting a reduction of youth unemployment.
The EU 2020 strategy clearly states that this initiative must improve:
- educational outcomes, focus on key competencies and aiming at reducing early school leaving;
- young people’s entry into the labour market through integrated action covering guidance, counselling and apprenticeships.
Studies and reports on the feasibility of the different approaches to optimise the operation of mobility projects have underlined the need to secure information, tools and infrastructure as basic elements. This has been well documented in the recent results of the consultation on the Green Paper on the Learning Mobility of Young People.
YOMTOOL addresses three different targeted results where the integration into one general tool structure is the creative contribution:
- Creating a cost-effective WEB based tool integrating the operative documents relevant and required in a transnational VET mobility.
- Secure that learning outcomes, certificates and qualification documents are individually described according to the ECVET principles, tracked and stored.
- Setting up an interactive database where the diversity of individually obtained learning can be easily exported into or attached or linked to relevant documents like Journeyman Certificates, sector specific certificates and the Europass documents.
YOMTOOL is aiming at a set of interrelated objectives, each being a separate target by themselves. An integrated toolbox will contribute to a cost-effective operation of mobility projects whereby the individual participant should be in a more profitable position during, and especially after, the finalisation of a work placement.
- Increase the impact of VET mobility activities through a cost-effective ICT based working instrument for all involved parties
- Implementing ECVET principles as the recording method for obtained learning through different training pathways, including validation of prior learning acquired through formal, non-formal or informal experiences
- Making VET more attractive through easier access to the learner’s own training records, certificates and qualifications
- Creating a helpful tool for the process of individual guidance through access to a person’s record of previous learning.
YOMTOOL is intended to be part of the Euroapprenticeship tool collection.