Strategic partnership for a sustainable vocational education and training for the European painting trade


Erasmus+ VET KA2 Strategic Partnership (2014-2017) DE, BE, CZ. HU, LT, NO, SK

Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden ( ): 2014-1-DE02-KA202-001597


The project responds to current VET policy developments in the European Union. These in turn are a response to the economic policy objectives of the Agenda 2020.

The EU wants to ensure that by 2020 75% of the people in working age people are in employment. The currently extremely high youth unemployment in many European regions shows what efforts are needed to achieve this goal.

One of the causes of youth unemployment is seen in the lack of employability of graduates of vocational training. There is criticism that many VET systems are too remote from the requirements of the economy and offer insufficient opportunities to acquire professional and personal skills that are demanded by the labor market.

The EU therefore calls its members, therefore, to reform the vocational education and training. Vocational education and training and the economy must cooperate with each other to compensate for the deficits.

At this point the project starts. VET providers of the European painting trade and business representatives (Association of the European painting trade – UNIEP, professional associations of the sector from Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Austria) agree on the conceptual basis for a future business-related training in this sector. They describe units of learning outcomes and learning outcomes to arrange this. In order to facilitate the transfer of these units of learning outcomes in educational practice, pedagogical guidance for teachers and a method for measuring the learning outcomes are designed.

The project results will be examined during the project runtime in methodology workshops and student camps on their practicality and ability to match with the various training systems.

In order to ensure sustainability and to support transfer of results into VET practice, a network (Painting Skills Network) for vocational training in the painting trade is founded. This network offers future of cross-border mobility, where participants can complete selected units of learning outcomes.

To the products of the project therefore also belongs an organization manual for mobilities.

The course of the project is documented in a review, which is also used to disseminate the project results.

The project will contribute to the improvement of the quality of education in the painting trade (strengthening the economy-orientation of the training), help to improve transparency between European professional qualifications and open up opportunities to strengthen the cross-border education cooperation (mobilities)