Welcome to EUROMASC – European Masters of Skilled Crafts
EUROMASC, a seasoned consultancy firm, brings forth a wealth of experience and expertise garnered through extensive collaborations with both national and international organizations in the realm of vocational education and training (VET). Originating in 1995 and emerging as a spinoff from the Norwegian arm of the EU’s Leonardo da Vinci program at the National Institute of Technology in 2008, EUROMASC specializes in the implementation of Learning Outcome-based tools for defining and describing qualifications.
Our primary focus revolves around the recognition of prior learning (RPL/VNIL), incorporating validation and accreditation of skills and competences. With a dedicated tool called Skillsbank, we actively support career guidance and certification, fostering transparency and permeability across various strands of education and training. Skillsbank also plays a pivotal role in implementing and facilitating transnational instruments such as EQF, EQAVET with ECVET principles, ESCO, and Europass.
EUROMASC’s key areas of involvement include:
- The European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
- The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET)
- The European Quality Assurance for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET)
- Europass for transparency and transnational mobility in VET
- LeoPass/MultiPass for monitoring and managing EU education and training projects
- Rap4Leo for reporting on transnational placements and exchanges under European mobility actions
- Skillsbank for aggregating and storing learning outcomes, supporting individualized career paths towards formalized qualifications, diplomas, and certificates with multilingual options
- YOMTOOL, a web-based integration of tools and instruments covering the mobility life cycle, supporting the EU 2020 flagship initiative Youth on the Move
- Skillstube for video recordings of individual skills performance linked to ECVET descriptions to capture tacit knowledge and best practices
- Facilitation of Micro-credentials with assessments corresponding to qualification requirements defined as Units of Learning Outcomes in Skillsbank
These examples showcase EUROMASC’s active involvement in research and development initiatives, competences, and support activities. We extend a warm invitation to explore further by selecting your folder of interest for a quick view.
Our team
Our team consist of experts from a variety of fields. All have extensive experience with European projects, and are ready to give your project a boost. Read about all of our team members below.
Rolf Aslaksrud Kristiansen
Rolf holds a Dr. Scient./PhD in Education and applied science. He has worked as associate professor at University of Oslo within the fields of teacher training, research on media and teaching aids and on special education and ICT. He served as secretary, and later as vice president, of EASE, the European Association of Special Education.
From 1996 until 2007, he was director of the National Agency Leonardo da Vinci Norway hosted by the National Institute of Technology. As from 2008 being responsible for EUROMASC – European Masters of Skilled Crafts. Working in an international setting, he promoted transfer of technology and competences from research and development fields to the enterprises. Within this context he initiated the development of systems and services for multilateral monitoring and management of Leonardo projects.
Working languages: Norwegian, English, Danish, Swedish, German and with working comprehension of French.
Leif Erik Erikssøn
From 1982 until 2006 he was employed as an ICT Manager by the National Institute of Technology, the Norwegian operator of the Leonardo da Vinci programme. In addition to the ICT duties, he was also working on the implementation and development of the databases and websites for LeoPass, MultiPass and the Linking Up mobility programme.
He is now serving as Head of Operations of NTI-MMM being responsible for the operation of Skillsbank and for the development and implementation of spin-offs to the system, YOMTOOL and Skillstube as well as with running projects. He is consulting with EUROMASC in relevant projects.
Working languages: Norwegian, English, Danish, Swedish and with working comprehension of German.
Pietro Olson-Binelli
holds an MSc in Business, Economics and Society of Contemporary China, a BA in Politics, and is finishing his Master in Law
Pietro now works as a Project Manager for EUROMASC. His current portfolio includes MOMDIG and LOST2, where he is responsible for EUROMASC’s contributions. In addition to this, Pietro assists EUROMASC with the management of projects, recently the EGREEN, the Painting Skills Academy, STEMSOFT, ARtemis, BeWell and ACE-EX as well as the development of new project ideas and other activities related to the project portfolio. His work includes development of qualification matrices, creation of MOOCs and other training material, plurilingual translation work, social media content creation, and website design.
Working languages: Norwegian, Italian, English, Danish, Swedish and some understanding of Spanish
Sarah Abel
Sarah Abel holds a BA (2018) and MA (2020) in political science from the University of Oslo. Her thesis “How do you like me now? Cognitive dissonance and adaptive attitude change in the post-election period” is a study of polarization in the United States. As part of her bachelor’s degree, she spent a semester at King’s College London. Sarah joined EUROMASC and NTIM in 2019, where she supported the team on various running European projects including specific desk study research. She worked at EUROMASC for six months before moving to Florence, Italy. There she worked as a research assistant at the European University Institute (EUI). In 2023 she returned to EUROMASC and NTIM as a project manager.
Working languages: Norwegian, English, Danish, Swedish and with working comprehension of Italian.
Marta Binelli
Marta Binelli holds a BA (2020) in International Business and Management from the University of Reading, UK. Before joining EUROMASC as a Project Consultant, Marta worked at EF Education First within Customer Success and was responsible for operational and marketing activities. Marta has international work experience, having worked in London and with international collegues at EF. In addition to direct project involvement and support her work includes plurilingual adaptations and translation of Skillsbank and Skillstools services, SkillsCourses e-course uploading and maintenance, website design and social media creation.
Working languages: Norwegian, Italian, English, Danish and Swedish
Skillstools – Our project database
Skillstools is a platform where all of the projects that EUROMASC and NTI-MMM are involved in can be found. This includes both current and finalised projects. All of the project results are available here, together with the list of partners and our contributions.