} Akershus County Council – Technical and vocational secondary education (NO) (www.akershus.no )
} Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie (BG) (www.balkanagency.org )
} BDA -Baltijas Datoru akadēmija Baltic Computer Academy (LV) (www.bda.lv )
} BFI – Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien (AT) (www.bfi-wien.at )
} BVHT – Bildungsverbund Haustechnik Sachsen-Anhalt (DE) (www.bvht.de )
} Byggskolen – Norwegian Vocational College in Construction (NO) (www.byggskolen.no )
} Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dobrich (BG) (www.cci.dobrich.net )
} CIAPE – Centro Italiano per l’Apprendimento Permanente (IT) (www.ciape.it )
} CIS – Centro Studi d’Impresa SRL (IT) (www.ciscorno.it )
} FabriC Association, Gabrovo, (BG) (www.fabrikata.eu )
} Fjellugla – Adult Education Organisation (NO) (www.fjellugla.no )
} Förderagentur Augsburg (DE) (www.foerderagentur.de )
} IDAN – IDAN fraedslusetur ehf (IS) (www.idan.is )
} IFA – Internationaler Fachkräfteaustausch (AT) (www.ifa.or.at )
} Istituto Tecnico Industriale Arturo Malignani (IT) (www.malignani.ud.it )
} Levanto vzw (BE) (www.levanto.be )
} Lower Silesian Chamber of Crafts Wroclaw (PL) (www.izba.wroc.pl )
} MPS – Maison de la Promotion Sociale (FR) (www.maisondelapromotionsociale.org )
} Norasonde – Technical and vocational secondary education (NO) (www.norasonde.no )
} Norges Eiendomsakademi – The Norwegian Real Estate Academy (NO) (www.eiendomsakademiet.no )
} OpenCom A.P.S. (IT) (www.opencom-italy.org )
} Pro Mente (AT) (www.pmooe.at )
} Rete Teatrale Aretina (IT) (www.reteteatralearetina.it )
} SBG Dresden – Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe (DE) (www.sbg-dresden.de )
} SFL – Skills for Logistics (UK) (www.skillsforlogistics.org )
} Transfer – Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Edukacji Ustawicznej – Educational support activities (PL) (www.stowarzyszenie-transfer.pl )
} Vestfold County Council – Technical and vocational secondary education (NO) (www.vfk.no )
} VoFo – Voksenopplæringsforbundet – The Norwegian association for adult learning – NAAL (NO) (www.vofo.no )
} WHKT – Westdeutscher Handwerkskammertag (DE) (www.handwerk-nrw.de )
} Wisamar (DE) (www.wisamar.de)
} 4METX SRL – Adult education provider (IT) (www.4metx.it )