Video recordings of individual skills performance linked to ECVET descriptions to cover tacit knowledge

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Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership (2014-2016) NO,  AT, BE, DE, FR, PT

NTI-MMM: Multilateral Monitoring and Management ( ) (2014-1-NO01-KA202-000439)


The context of the Skillstube project is the implementation of the ECVET principles of precise descriptions of Learning Outcomes (LOs) structured into units. Even though descriptions of LOs are highly precise through differentiating them into specifications of Competences, Knowledge and Skills, this form of competence documentation may, however, still fail to capture tacit knowledge – knowledge that cannot be correctly documented through verbal articulation or written descriptions. A better alternative to document such competences and skills is through practical performance. As there can be a distinction between competences that can be fully described by verbal means, and competences that can only be fully documented through illustration, video recordings of practical performances of skills can serve as a valuable tool to document tacit knowledge.


The main objectives of the Skillstube project were to firstly collect and store individual learner’s performance through video clips that are directly related to clearly identified LOs. These video performances can serve as electronic attachments to certificates that are obtained by individuals or further documentation of skills of individual’s performance attached to their European CV. This is great value added to teaching and learning, certification and individual career development in professional fields where practical performance is impossible or difficult to document. The second project objective was to develop a system where video clips can be stored and can serve as examples of best practices. This would be of high value to teaching and learning. Therefore the Skillstube project has systematised the video performances of the selected vocations, welding and crafts, and where implications for career guidance have been further studied.

Partner consortium:

The partner consortium (10 partners from 6 countries) was established to solve the tasks of project management and system development, production of video recordings of best practices and individual’s performance in the welding and crafts sector, testing in career guidance and VET teacher training and for the dissemination of project results and quality checks as the final project activities.

Project activities and implementation methodology:

Project activities were linked to defined work tasks, partner meetings and multiplier and dissemination activities. The products developed are tested in partner organisations for further implementation in partner networks and to broader audiences as part of the dissemination plan.

Results and impact:

The outcome of the project can be summarised as (1) procedures and principles of video documentation of skills related practical performance, linked to matrices of LOs, (2) a library of recordings of best practice example, and (3) a system of individualised recordings which can be linked to learning outcomes for further attachment to certificates and CVs. The video storage of Skillstube has been developed as extensions to the Skillsbank and YOMTOOL systems ( Skillsbank is a multilingual web based toolkit based on ECVET principles with structured LOs into matrixes of qualifications. Skillsbank targets career guidance, recognition of prior learning and individual training support, whereas YOMTOOL is an integrated mobility toolbox.

The innovative aspect of this project has been the direct linking of video recorded skill performances with clearly defined LOs. Therefore Skillstube contributes to a broader understanding of the EQF/ECVET definitions and of the differentiation of LOs into Knowledge, Skills and Competence. As the KSC model in some situations will not capture the full qualifications of an individual, Skillstube fills in the lacking gap and make it possible to document knowledge that generally is very difficult to articulate, but is at the core of the mastery of the skill. Skillstube will as well be a valuable attribute in the process of recognition of non­formal and informal learning especially concerning migrants as a target group. Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers often lack documentation on their qualifications and video recordings may serve as a valuable tool.

Long term benefits:

The long term benefit of this project is to contribute to bridging between the world of schooling and the working world. Strengthening of the ECVET and EQF principles will in the long run benefit students, trainees, apprentices, refuges, asylum seekers and migrants in general, similar to any other individual who is shifting his or her career path. The recording of best practices of competences will impact teaching considerably as this will bridge the gap between the expectations of the employers and the skills and competences of the employee.